Toronto Poetry Vendors

(in)dispensable poetry

Archive for November, 2012

Winter residency + holiday cheer

Toronto Poetry Vendors couldn’t be more excited to announce that Snacks, our travelling machine, is taking up a winter residency at one of our favourite new restaurants/watering holes: 3030 Dundas in the Junction.

Join us December 11 to welcome Snacks to her new home and celebrate the upcoming holidays. Her cranky ways will fit right in amidst the duelling manual typewriters, pinball tournament, vinyl records, and other non-digital delights of Analog Tuesdays.

More details and surprises to be announced!

TPV goes Indie

TPV is tickled to be part of the Meet the Presses literary collective, which is putting on its third Indie Literary Market today. We’ll be filling the Tranzac Club with books, chapbooks, broadsides, recordings and all kinds of other literary goodies you can’t generally find in bookstores. Plus you can sip a frothy beverage while you browse. Downright civilized, if you ask me. 12-4 at the Tranzac, 292 Brunswick Ave, Toronto